William Stubner


Organization Location Role Tenure
St. Anselm's Abbey School Washington, DC Player 2015 – 2019
The George Washington University Washington, DC Student (not necessarily player) 2019 – 2020


Tournament Date Team TUH P T I P% PP20TUH
2019 Small School National Championship Tournament (SSNCT-19) 5/3/2019 St. Anselm's 341 28 17 13 62.2% 30.79
Centennial Invitational (IS-180A) 11/4/2018 St. Anselm's A 200 18 8 13 69.2% 28.50
Centennial Invitational (IS-171A) 11/5/2017 St. Anselm's A 200 23 14 11 62.2% 43.00
Georgetown Fall Invitational (IS-167A) 10/14/2017 St. Anselm's A 220 13 19 10 40.6% 30.45
Centennial Invitational (IS-161A) 11/6/2016 St. Anselm's A 200 14 17 6 45.2% 35.00
Centennial Invitational (IS-151A) 11/8/2015 St. Anselm's A 180 13 7 6 65.0% 26.11

Explanation of Statistics

Confused about all these statistics? We’ve prepared an overview.
