Bailey Shortt


Organization Location Role Tenure
Grundy High School Grundy, VA Player 2016 – 2019
Grundy + Richlands ? Player 2018 – 2019


Tournament Date Team TUH P T I P% PP20TUH
Tornado Invitational Tournament (IS-179) 1/5/2019 Grundy 180 0 30 5 0.0% 30.56
State Line Showdown (IS-177) 12/15/2018 Grundy + Richlands 200 1 35 5 2.8% 34.00
Legion Memorial Invitational Tournament III (IS-175A) 11/10/2018 Grundy B 80 2 10 4 16.7% 27.50
Bulldog Invitational (IS-173A) 1/6/2018 Grundy B 90 1 3 2 25.0% 7.78
Bristol's Excellent and Ruthlessly Competitive Academic Tournament (IS-168) 11/11/2017 Grundy B 180 0 18 2 0.0% 18.89
Legion Memorial Invitational Tournament II (IS-163A) 10/28/2017 Grundy B 100 1 7 1 12.5% 16.00
Bulldog Invitational (IS-158) 1/14/2017 Grundy B 120 0 8 3 0.0% 10.83
Tornado Invitational Tournament (IS-159A) 12/3/2016 Grundy B 50 0 4 0 0.0% 16.00

Explanation of Statistics

Confused about all these statistics? We’ve prepared an overview.
