Joseph Michel


Organization Location Role Tenure
Nativity of Our Lord Catholic School St. Paul, MN Player 2015 – 2017
St. Thomas Academy Mendota Heights, MN Player 2017 – 2021


Tournament Date Team TUH P T I P% PP20TUH
2021 High School National Championship Tournament (HSNCT-21) 5/29/2021 St. Thomas Academy 140 3 19 4 13.6% 30.71
2021 High School Individual Player National Championship Tournament (IPNCT-21-HS) 4/11/2021 Joseph Michel 374 7 29 13 19.4% 17.65
Preparatory Rounds of Academic Competition Targeting Invited Championship Entrants (IS-197 (packets 1–5)) 3/11/2021 St. Thomas Academy A 80 3 9 10 25.0% 21.25
Run for the Roses (IS-200A) 2/13/2021 St. Thomas Academy A 140 20 17 9 54.1% 60.71
Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League Playoffs (MN-20 (packets 16–24)) 2/11/2021 St. Thomas Academy 60 1 12 - 7.7% 45.00
Really Awesome Thumb-Racing Academic Competition Event (SC-67 and SC-68 (packets 1–3)) 12/12/2020 St. Thomas Academy A 280 - 74 - - 52.86
Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League (MN-20 (packets 1–15)) 11/19/2020 St. Thomas Academy A 227 13 33 - 28.3% 46.26
Minneapolis Area Summer Quiz Using Electrons (IS-193A (packets 1–5)) 9/3/2020 St. Thomas Academy 60 10 7 4 58.8% 66.67
Run for the Roses (IS-191A) 2/15/2020 St. Thomas Academy A 183 19 29 11 39.6% 56.83
Thumb-Activated Battle Leveraging Electronic Tabulation I (IS-185A (packets 1–4)) 12/5/2019 St. Thomas Academy 97 11 20 2 35.5% 73.20
Really Awesome Thumb-Racing Academic Competition Event (2019TV and 2019TV (packets 1–2)) 11/16/2019 St. Thomas Academy A 280 - 57 - - 40.71
Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League (IS-185A (packet 12) and MN-19) 11/7/2019 St. Thomas Academy A 162 15 22 - 40.5% 54.94
2019 High School National Championship Tournament (HSNCT-19) 5/24/2019 St. Thomas Academy 168 3 18 4 14.3% 24.40
Run for the Roses (IS-182A) 2/16/2019 St. Thomas Academy 118 3 25 1 10.7% 49.15
South of Cities Invitational Academic Learnament (IS-176A) 10/27/2018 St. Thomas Academy A 182 10 49 10 16.9% 64.84
Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League (MN-18) 10/25/2018 St. Thomas Academy A 281 14 57 - 19.7% 55.52
2018 Snow CAT (IS-172) 1/27/2018 St. Thomas Academy 200 1 6 2 14.3% 6.50
Rosemount Annual Thumb-Racing Academic Competition Event (2017TV and 2017TV (packets 1–3)) 11/18/2017 St. Thomas Academy B 240 - 42 - - 35.00
Minnesota High School Quiz Bowl League (MN-17) 10/26/2017 St. Thomas Academy B 151 8 35 - 18.6% 62.25
2017 Middle School National Championship Tournament (MSNCT-17) 5/12/2017 Nativity of Our Lord A 131 5 10 3 33.3% 24.43
DeLaSalle Invitational Academic Tournament Of Middle Schools (MS-22) 3/11/2017 Nativity of Our Lord A 101 7 10 2 41.2% 38.61
Edgewood Middle Entirely Raucous Academic Learning Decathlon (MS-19) 2/18/2017 Nativity of Our Lord A 157 17 8 3 68.0% 40.76
General Education Middle School Tournament Offering Neverending Edification (MS-21) 1/28/2017 Nativity of Our Lord A 142 9 17 5 34.6% 39.44
DeLaSalle Invitational Academic Tournament Of Middle Schools (MS-18) 3/5/2016 Nativity of Our Lord C 159 6 19 3 24.0% 33.33
Eden Prairie Skirmish Of Middle School Academic Lockout Teams (MS-17) 1/16/2016 Nativity of Our Lord A 140 6 16 5 27.3% 32.14
Lockout Affair Requiring Grade Eight Seven Six Entrants (MS-16) 12/12/2015 Nativity of Our Lord C 92 7 14 5 33.3% 47.83

Explanation of Statistics

Confused about all these statistics? We’ve prepared an overview.
