Blue Hen Invitational XVII

Round 1

Date: Saturday, March 14, 2015
Host: University of Delaware (Newark, DE)
Scoring Rules: ÎÞÓǶÌÊÓƵ
Questions: IS-144
Wilmington Charter A505774350 25.00C. Milton Wright A8013140 10.0020
Centennial A430943270 20.77Moorestown Friends B5021010 3.3320
Georgetown Day A510781330 22.00Great Valley C13041270 14.0020
Manheim Township C3603111210 15.00Concord B1501110 10.0020
Lehigh Valley425863260 18.57Manheim Township D12513080 20.0020
Concord A3453102210 16.15Henderson B5502140 20.0020
Manheim Township A415772250 17.86Cedar Crest B13023070 14.0020
Camp Hill3551110230 19.17Wilmington Charter D8505140 8.0020
Georgetown Day B405744280 25.45Great Valley A155243100 16.6720
Henderson A325475220 20.00Centennial C8005030 6.0020
Wilmington Charter B255362160 17.78Great Valley B8513250 12.5020
Wilmington Charter C220284130 13.00C. Milton Wright B7014120 4.0020
Centennial B245275170 18.89Howard B11505170 14.0020
Gunston190341110 15.71Independence7005440 8.0020
Emmaus355653230 20.91Howard A245342170 24.2920
Manheim Township B235453140 15.56Moorestown Friends A205172130 16.2520
Cedar Crest AForfeit      ByeForfeit      -
CaravelForfeit      ByeForfeit      -

Explanation of Statistics

Confused about all these statistics? We’ve prepared an overview.
