Blue Hen Invitational XVII

Round 10

Date: Saturday, March 14, 2015
Host: University of Delaware (Newark, DE)
Scoring Rules: ÎÞÓǶÌÊÓƵ
Questions: IS-144
Georgetown Day B490963310 20.67Cedar Crest B6021230 10.0020
Wilmington Charter C3853130210 13.12Independence2521510 3.3320
Wilmington Charter A4951132310 22.14Manheim Township A185332120 20.0020
Centennial B330763180 13.85Moorestown Friends B3011110 5.0020
Centennial A425582280 21.54Wilmington Charter B16033190 15.0020
Cedar Crest A3653102230 17.69Great Valley B13040070 17.5020
Howard A355661210 17.50Concord A14525170 10.0020
Howard B2902100160 13.33Manheim Township D8513250 12.5020
Great Valley A350652220 20.00Camp Hill155152100 16.6720
Emmaus390921240 21.82Georgetown Day A300452200 22.2220
C. Milton Wright A245463140 14.00Caravel15551070 11.6720
Centennial C12016150 7.14Henderson B4006610 1.6720
Gunston210541100 11.11Wilmington Charter D15008280 10.0020
Henderson A225544130 14.44Great Valley C17035390 11.2520
Lehigh Valley275643160 16.00Manheim Township B235362140 15.5620
Manheim Township C235271140 15.56Moorestown Friends A200444120 15.0020
C. Milton Wright B13015170 11.67Concord B9514040 8.0020
Highlighting denotes playoff games.

Explanation of Statistics

Confused about all these statistics? We’ve prepared an overview.
