Blue Hen Invitational XVII

Round 4

Date: Saturday, March 14, 2015
Host: University of Delaware (Newark, DE)
Scoring Rules: ÎÞÓǶÌÊÓƵ
Questions: IS-144
Wilmington Charter A6201242410 25.62Henderson A9004050 12.5020
Georgetown Day A5407101340 20.00Camp Hill5020440 20.0020
Centennial A5005113330 20.62Manheim Township D8513040 10.0020
Lehigh Valley485770310 22.14Caravel8022030 7.5020
Howard A4505105300 20.00Concord B5011130 15.0020
Emmaus565780380 25.33Cedar Crest A170410100 20.0020
Great Valley A400682240 17.14Centennial C6503140 13.3320
Moorestown Friends A3903101250 19.23Gunston8512050 16.6720
Manheim Township A435582290 22.31Wilmington Charter C195251120 17.1420
Manheim Township B345495220 16.92Great Valley B14014190 18.0020
Wilmington Charter B270272180 20.00Independence7014120 4.0020
Georgetown Day B375742240 21.82C. Milton Wright A19053190 11.2520
Cedar Crest B3053100160 12.31Howard B170230110 22.0020
Henderson B18036180 8.89Wilmington Charter D6505120 4.0020
C. Milton Wright B185340100 14.29Centennial B160167120 17.1420
Concord A240171160 20.00Great Valley C230553120 12.0020
Moorestown Friends BForfeit      ByeForfeit      -
Manheim Township CForfeit      ByeForfeit      -

Explanation of Statistics

Confused about all these statistics? We’ve prepared an overview.
