2012 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl Playoffs

Round 5

Date: Saturday, February 4, 2012
Host: Montpelier High School (Montpelier, VT)
Scoring Rules: Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl
Questions: IS-112A, LIGHT-21 (shares with 11-QC), and SC-33
Winner ScoreLoser Score
Mt. Abraham450Richford110
South Burlington475Burlington230
Hanover475Mount Mansfield230
Champlain Valley395Fair Haven155
Middlebury Union440Essex250
North Country225Missisquoi Valley115
St. Johnsbury275Montpelier185
Winooski185Enosburg Falls100
Burr and Burton210Mount St. Joseph190
Rice Memorial295Woodstock285
BFA-St. Albans190Lamoille180

Explanation of Statistics

Confused about all these statistics? We’ve prepared an overview.
