University of Charleston Fall Quiz Bowl Kick-Off

Round 8

Date: Saturday, September 28, 2013
Host: University of Charleston (Charleston, WV)
Scoring Rules: West Virginia Powers and Bonuses
Questions: IS-129A
Winner ScorePTULtngB PPBLoser ScorePTULtngB PPBTUH
Dunbar B240000240 0.00Charleston Catholic A7000070 0.0024
Northmont255514040 2.11Sidney9004050 12.5024
Dunbar C180211040 3.08St. Albans B600600 0.0024
Dunbar A235390100 8.33George Washington A1304700 0.0024
Ripley160012040 3.33George Washington B600600 0.0024
St. Albans C135110020 1.82Bridgeport C6005010 2.0024
Tippecanoe150011040 3.64Bridgeport A1102800 0.0024
Nitro110010010 1.00Charleston Catholic B9008010 1.2524
South Charleston11007040 5.71Ravenswood951800 0.0024
Capital13009040 4.44Bridgeport B1153700 0.0024
St. Albans A11009020 2.22Philip Barbour10008020 2.5024
Highlighting denotes playoff games.

Explanation of Statistics

Confused about all these statistics? We’ve prepared an overview.
