Prairie Fire Invitational

Date: Saturday, January 23, 2016
Host: Knox College (Galesburg, IL)
Scoring Rules: ÎÞÓǶÌÊÓƵ
Questions: CNS-150C (shares with IS-150)
1 Northern Illinois A10–0100.0%514524059 105 1820.12428.75
2 Knox A8–280.0%322024035 92 1514.57268.33
3 Northern Illinois B6–460.0%231024018 85 1312.18192.50
4 Carl Sandburg3–730.0%200524037 51 5013.52167.08
5 Knox B2–820.0%13252407 59 810.15110.42
6 Knox C1–910.0%117524014 43 710.0097.92

Explanation of Statistics

Confused about all these statistics? We’ve prepared an overview.
