Woodstock Union High School & Middle School

Date Tournament Packet Set Team Rank W-L Points TUH P TU I PPB PP20TUH
4/1/232023 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl State Finals IS-218A, LIGHT-64, and SC-76A8 / 90⁠–⁠126548 n/a 16 24.06110.42
1/28/232023 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl Playoffs (Varsity Division) IS-218A, LIGHT-64, and SC-76AOverall: 8 / 14
Small School: 1 / 5
4⁠–⁠21550Not available
2023 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl Playoffs (Junior Varsity Division) IS-218A, LIGHT-64, and SC-76B3 / 102⁠–⁠2715Not available
11/20/212021-22 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl East Regional IS-205A, SC-70, and SC-71A2 / 20⁠–⁠3290Not available
3/6/202020 ÎÞÓǶÌÊÓƵ Vermont State Championship IS-192A14 / 235⁠–⁠3925119 4 42 1110.87155.46
1/25/202020 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl Playoffs (Varsity Division) IS-191A, 2019TV, and 2019TVAOverall: 8 / 20
Small School: 2 / 8
4⁠–⁠32050Not available
2020 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl Playoffs (Small School JV and "C" Teams Division) IS-191A, 2019TV, and 2019TVBSmall School JV: 1 / 45⁠–⁠01110Not available
1/9/202019-20 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl Southeast Regional IS-187A, 2019TV, and 2019TVA3 / 62⁠–⁠3745Not available
B4 / 62⁠–⁠3730Not available
12/14/19Burlington Winter Middle School Tournament MS-32A8 / 80⁠–⁠8595145 2 20 910.9182.07
4/6/19Burlington Middle School Spring Tournament MS-30A6 / 82⁠–⁠6945149 6 28 511.76126.85
B7 / 82⁠–⁠61045140 3 36 412.31149.29
3/30/192019 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl State Finals IS-182A, 2018TV, and 2018TVA9 / 110⁠–⁠125553 n/a 19 51.8496.23
3/8/192019 ÎÞÓǶÌÊÓƵ Vermont State Championship IS-183A9 / 185⁠–⁠41360146 16 37 815.49186.30
1/26/192019 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl Playoffs (Varsity Division) IS-182A, 2018TV, and 2018TVAOverall: 9 / 20
Small School: 3 / 4
3⁠–⁠31520Not available
2019 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl Playoffs (Junior Varsity Small School Division) IS-182A, 2018TV, and 2018TVB1 / 84⁠–⁠1750Not available
1/10/192018-19 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl South Regional III IS-178A, 2018TV, and 2018TVA2 / 31⁠–⁠1395Not available
11/15/182018-19 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl South Regional II IS-178A, 2018TV, and 2018TVA1 / 43⁠–⁠1890Not available
B4 / 40⁠–⁠4380Not available
11/8/182018-19 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl South Regional I IS-178A, 2018TV, and 2018TVA3 / 42⁠–⁠3695Not available
B2 / 42⁠–⁠2745Not available
4/7/18Burlington Middle School Spring Tournament MS-25A8 / 101⁠–⁠7725137 3 21 1014.17105.84
3/24/182018 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl State Finals IS-173A, 2017TV, and 2017TVA10 / 130⁠–⁠127048 n/a 19 22.11112.50
1/27/182018 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl Playoffs (Varsity Division) IS-173A, 2017TV, and 2017TVAOverall: 9 / 22
Small School: 2 / 9
4⁠–⁠31810Not available
2018 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl Playoffs (Junior Varsity Small School Division) IS-173A, 2017TV, and 2017TVB4 / 62⁠–⁠3400Not available
11/15/172017-18 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl Green Mountain Regional IS-169A, 2017TV, and 2017TVAFirst Flight: 9 / 100⁠–⁠4⁠–⁠1585Not available
11/10/172017-18 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl East Regional (Varsity Division) IS-169A, 2017TV, and 2017TVA4 / 62⁠–⁠3620Not available
4/29/17Hanover Junior Challenge I MS-22A3 / 74⁠–⁠51745151 10 51 718.36231.13
3/10/172017 ÎÞÓǶÌÊÓƵ Vermont State Championship IS-166A16 / 244⁠–⁠5585134 2 34 36.3987.31
1/28/172017 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl Playoffs (Varsity Division) IS-163A, 2016TV, and 2016TVAOverall: 16 / 24
Small School: 3 / 10
2⁠–⁠41175Not available
1/10/172016-17 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl South Regional IS-159A, 2016TV, and 2016TVA2 / 53⁠–⁠1630Not available
1/31/152015 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl Playoffs (Varsity Division) IS-143A, LIGHT-32, LIGHT-33, and SC-45AOverall: 18 / 24
Small School: 5 / 10
2⁠–⁠3815226 n/a n/a n/a-72.12
11/9/142014-15 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl East Regional IS-139A, SC-44, and SC-43A7 / 81⁠–⁠4Not available
3/7/142014 ÎÞÓǶÌÊÓƵ Vermont State Championship IS-136ASmall School: 8 / 144⁠–⁠5780157 6 41 157.5599.36
2/1/142014 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl Playoffs (Varsity Division) IS-133A, LIGHT-29, LIGHT-30, and SC-41A21 / 261⁠–⁠4815Not available
12/6/13Vermont Pre-Holiday Academic Tournament VII (Varsity Division) IS-127AA31 / 422⁠–⁠5⁠–⁠1745128 7 28 1212.00116.41
11/3/132013-14 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl Connecticut Valley Regional IS-129A, SC-40, and SC-39A2 / 43⁠–⁠2490Not available
5/4/13Fair Haven Middle School Invitational MS-06A3 / 84⁠–⁠21205Not available
2/2/132013 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl Playoffs (Varsity Division) IS-123A, LIGHT-23, LIGHT-24, and SC-37A18 / 242⁠–⁠3935Not available
12/13/122012-13 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl Connecticut Valley Regional IS-119A, SC-36, and SC-35A3 / 63⁠–⁠2940Not available
B4 / 61⁠–⁠4615Not available
12/7/12Vermont Pre-Holiday Academic Tournament VI (Varsity Division) IS-117AA23 / 484⁠–⁠41200127 10 37 314.79188.98
5/6/12Twin State Champions' Challenge IS-110AA8 / 121⁠–⁠5620Not available
2/10/122012 ÎÞÓǶÌÊÓƵ Vermont State Championship IS-113A9 / 246⁠–⁠31405162 5 56 1013.44173.46
2/4/122012 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl Playoffs IS-112A, LIGHT-21, and SC-33A16 / 242⁠–⁠31075Not available
12/2/11Vermont Pre-Holiday Academic Tournament V (Varsity Division) IS-106AA28 / 403⁠–⁠5760141 0 37 010.54107.80
11/20/112011-12 Vermont-NEA Scholars' Bowl Connecticut Valley Regional IS-108A, LIGHT-20, SC-32, and SC-31A4 / 103⁠–⁠2685Not available
5/28/11 - 5/29/112011 High School National Championship Tournament HSNCT-11AOverall: 179 / 224
Small School: 11 / 24
4⁠–⁠71360249 9 64 199.32109.24
12/3/10Vermont Pre-Holiday Academic Tournament IV IS-99AA9 / 406⁠–⁠22105144 15 61 1517.70292.36
B34 / 403⁠–⁠5875155 3 43 18.80112.90

Explanation of Statistics

Confused about all these statistics? We’ve prepared an overview.
